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Thanks for a Good Job Done on Housing Loan

Dear Dennis,

I must say you are doing a good job at Housing Loans – I secured my housing loan via one of your consultants about a year back.

I then called her again a few weeks ago as I wanted to refinance and she was very helpful indeed even though there was no commission for her second time around – regardless she spent time reviewing my options and gave good recommendations – which I followed.

So thanks again for assistance with this! - Leonard Stornes

Your Packages are More Attractive...

After few local banks called me up regarding their housing loan packages, I still find the loan packages you provided are more attractive. - Teo Wee Kiang

Thanks for Educating the Public on Financial Planning

Hi Dennis, We met nearly two years ago and I invested in Traded Endowment through you. I have read many postings by you on Internet Forum and I am very impressed with your knowledge and your mission to educate the general public about financial planning. Please carry on with your good work. - Joseph Ting

Our Deepest Appreciation for your Help!

Thanks to all @ Leverage Holdings for all help rendered during the process of the Housing Loan. Me & My Wife really appreciate it. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks & Best Regards, - Matt Lim