A Big Thank You to HousingLoanSG...
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Ms June for going the extra mile to help me secure the HDB Bank loan.
1) I am just a taxi-driver, repeat only a taxi-driver and she treated me with the same potential customer as the rest.
2) Even though I have got a few banks rejecting my loans, Ms June was patient and fought to the end just before the valuation of HDB expired, thereby saving me time to reapply again the HDB valuation. She never gave up.
3) She always take the trouble and patience to update me after office hours so that I am constantly aware of the whole situation, thereby enabling me to make contingency plans (if necessary), bearing in mind that this is using up her personal after-office hours and her weekend leisure time.
4) She have a very good listening ear, this I must add because she absorbed all my frustrations from the bank rejection reply. My frustration was purely on the banks rejection and not vented at her.She is also a special listening ear to absorb all my
grievances....hey, i cannot be speaking to a wall, right...she is just a special listening ear to all my frustrations.
5) She gave valuable and legal advise outside of the purview of the loan matters to enable me to come out with alternative plans should such a need arises. I like to add that these are legal and honest ideas but when one is in a panic mode, somehow these good and simple ideas just will come out of my head. as they say, it is the outsiders that sees things more clearly. ....And many others............albeit insignificant but very professional and her heart and passion put on the job, i think 200% is there
sincerely in getting this loan done. in short, the human touch.
This is all but not limited to the above mentioned as I just want to say a big thank you to you (for having such a wonderful
colleagues) and herself (equally most of all) and the team from www.HousingLoanSG.com. - Ryan Han